Charge animation
Customize battery charging screen and charging animation cool graphics.
Get attractive battery charging screens and real cool animation graphics for batter charging. Also all this can be customized by your choice of text colors and backgrounds.
You can also set charging alarm for your battery. The alarm can bet on full battery charge or your choice of percentage. Also set alarm for low battery. So that you can charge your phone and never run out of battery.
Main Features:
Set Custom Battery Charging Animation:Turn on charging animation to have an animation on the screen.
Select from more 20+ cool Charging animations.
Adjust its size as you like on the screen.
- Adjust opacity, set rotation and adjust position of animation on the screen.
Customize Battery Charging Screen:
Set service on to run customized charging animation while you charge the phone.
Select the theme of charging screen. Customize the themes with your choice of font colors and backgrounds. Also you can add your own photo from gallery.
Set alarm for full battery charge.
Or set alarm for a particular percentage of battery charge. Also set alarm for low battery charge with your choice of battery percentage.This help you never run out of battery.
Adjust alarm tones of your choice.
A full battery charging screen and you will be charged with charging your phone.