Camera Guard
Camera Guard Android from ProtectStar makes sure that no hacker or spy can observe you. With just one single click, your smartphone will be completely protected and blocked against surveillance applications.
Prevent spying and end unattractive taping
Not only millions of users, but also famous company founders and security experts from the FBI tape over the webcam of their devices.
With good reason: Everything and everybody is spied on! We know this since June 2013 when the first NSA documents were revealed by whistle-blower Snowden. Since then increasingly threatening details are being constantly uncovered.
But not only have hackers found solutions to misuse the webcam without a warning signal to the user, but also the latest spyware is highly dangerous, because it specifically targets control of the integrated webcam.
See nothing - For those who should not
Camera Guard ™ blocks and observes all the programs and processes that try to access the webcam of your smartphone. Every attempted security breach will be reported with a signal.
While all accesses and warnings are conveniently protocoled in the log file, the intelligent Deep Detective can detect even previously unknown attacks.
Deep Detective A smart inventvention against (un) known threats
With the Deep Detective ™ we created an intelligent and versatile detective that observes all accesses to Android device - similar to a firewall - only smarter.
Deep Detective permanently controls which process or app currently attempts to access the camera. Additionally it reports - and unknown attack attempts - also unknown attack attempts.
Every possibility to spy on you is proactively restricted from hackers and spies.
An ideal combination
Camera Guard can, specially with activated Deep Detective be used in the combination with other existing security solutions.
In addition to Micro Guard a secure microphone protection app - you have a complete and powerful solution against any surveillance. Download
Prevent spying and end unattractive taping
Not only millions of users, but also famous company founders and security experts from the FBI tape over the webcam of their devices.
With good reason: Everything and everybody is spied on! We know this since June 2013 when the first NSA documents were revealed by whistle-blower Snowden. Since then increasingly threatening details are being constantly uncovered.
But not only have hackers found solutions to misuse the webcam without a warning signal to the user, but also the latest spyware is highly dangerous, because it specifically targets control of the integrated webcam.
See nothing - For those who should not
Camera Guard ™ blocks and observes all the programs and processes that try to access the webcam of your smartphone. Every attempted security breach will be reported with a signal.
While all accesses and warnings are conveniently protocoled in the log file, the intelligent Deep Detective can detect even previously unknown attacks.
Deep Detective A smart inventvention against (un) known threats
With the Deep Detective ™ we created an intelligent and versatile detective that observes all accesses to Android device - similar to a firewall - only smarter.
Deep Detective permanently controls which process or app currently attempts to access the camera. Additionally it reports - and unknown attack attempts - also unknown attack attempts.
Every possibility to spy on you is proactively restricted from hackers and spies.
An ideal combination
Camera Guard can, specially with activated Deep Detective be used in the combination with other existing security solutions.
In addition to Micro Guard a secure microphone protection app - you have a complete and powerful solution against any surveillance. Download