Thulasithalm Thiru Endamuri Veerantinath is a Tamil novel by Tulsidamal who wrote in Telugu. This novel is written centered on the girl Tulsi. Witchcraft, Worms, Witchcraft .... While this computer age seems to be irrelevant words, there are people who believe in some of the other villages in our country. To conquer the ghats of Kashmor and arrange the wizard of Kathra to kill Tulsi, Swami and his disciples. If Tulsi dies before the age of ten, the substantial cash left by Robert in her name will arrive to the ashram. Tulsi's disease, which is in the grip of Kashmor, is thinning day by day. Sure, the parents do not understand the reason and the sarader is suffering. Thulasithalm size 12 MB Download